Del.ici.ousThe phrase I searched was Flamenco Dancing. Del.ici.ous found 117 results. What I like is that you can filter your search by tag (eg. Spain) and it also displays other phrases you can limit your search by, such as history of flamenco dancing, flamenco dancing video, flamenco dancing pictures, Spanish flamenco dancing and flamenco dancing lessons. Anyway, as I noticed not all the sites I am checking out are general, some are specialised, I chose another term to search across them -
mental illness.
Del.ici.ous retrieved 5,934 results with limiters like
types of mental illness, mental illness symptoms and mental illness statistics. ConnoteaThe searching part was quite slow. Then it came up with an error message as there are technical difficulties. Perhaps I will try again later.CiteULikeThis is great. The search retrieved more than 800 articles. There is also an RSS feed to keep up to date with the latest information on your topic. It lists groups interested in your topic. I would like to have been able to arrange the articles by date, I didn't see such a feature, although at least you can keep up to date with the RSS feed. I like that you can choose a citation style (eg. APA) and it gives you the reference (although not always acurate if bits of information are missing from the record). People can write reviews of articles, which is great. Users have rated the articles on a star system and you can export references in the style you need. I haven't registered, but could this be useful for undergraduate students?
ACU Library CatalogueI get 1, 062 results. I like that the results are ordered from the latest publication. I also like the cover image and Google information about the book. Google9, 700, 000 results? Who looks passed the first or maybe the second page of results? I prefer to search some of the other sites that filter information for quality, or that have been chosen by people for the integrity of the article / information. ZuulaTry sifting through this lot! The results from Google alone was practically double, 17,700,000. Yahoo was worse with 42,400,000. I don't think I would bother going to the other search engines. At least these search engines give you the choice of narrowing your search by doing a related search on things like types of mental illness or mental illness symptoms. KartOOI like this one! I like the concept style map option displaying the results. Hover the mouse over and you get some information from the website to see if you want to look futher. It has updated information in the bubble from the site and there is also a section on the left with the latest news. I don't know the number of results retrieved, and it is UK oriented, but great! The thumbnails are useful too. Other useful sitesI won't go into these in detail, you can explore for yourself, but they are also useful sites for quality information:- Intute: Gateway to subject catalogues with links to high quality Internet sites, selected and described by specialists from within British academia.
- Infomine: INFOMINE is a comprehensive virtual library and reference tool for academic and scholarly Internet resources, including Web sites, databases, ...