Sunday, November 22, 2009

About RSS feeds

Hi there again.

I finally managed to create an RSS feed for ABC's Breaking Stories News feed. I couldn't see the three options Kate was talking about, but I copied and pasted the XML link into Add Subscription in Google Reader and that worked. I also managed to put the blogs and the news I'm following into folders.

I can see the potential in this as our clients can follow updates for the library. Now that I understand this better, I can probably show others how to set up their RSS feeds via a reader to keep up to date. They can also set up RSS for their favourite journal. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. It can be tricky- sometimes one option works and another doesn't- but as long as you have confidence to try- it's a great resource. And works differently in different browsers just to complicate things! I like that you can use a reader like Google reader or netvibes or feed into Outlook.
    Brings the feeds to you...
