Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More about RSS

Hi there!

Well, I have learnt a few more things about RSS. Firstly, I played around a bit with Netvibes http://www.netvibes.com/ - and there is a lot of potential there to customise the page to suit your needs, with RSS feeds and widgets like Facebook and so on.

I can also tick off Things 7 and 8! The RSS feeds I am following are:
  • Helen Highwater's Blah;
  • Manoucha's blog;
  • ABC news;
  • SMH news headlines;
  • Information literacy meets Web 2.0 blog.

I have also subscribed to Library Biz through my Outlook account.

I like that you can customise and organise your news items. You can create folders and be kept up to date without filling your email inbox with thousands of mail - that would take you a lot of time to sift through. Now there is a centralised location and you can visit whenever you want and read whatever you want.

In my personal life, tools like Net Vibes assists you to go to one place for Facebook, calendars, to dos and news and blog. It's a one stop shop for your organisation of information. In work, you can keep up to date with work related blogs and information, like web 2.0 blogs and information literacy ideas (as I have just subscribed to such a blog). Also, this is a great tool to share and train interested parties like students and staff in the use for their work related information. Then they won't get annoyed that the library keeps sending emails all the time, they can get information via the reader on issues related to them directly (eg. perhaps creating subject specific blogs people can subscribe to?)

Libraries can use RSS as mentioned, to inform clients on things and also to be kept up to date by following and subscribing to news and blogs that relate to our professional development.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Great post.
    I've been using Netvibes for a year or so- my tabs are library blogs, a tab for personal- news, facebook, twitter, a couple of magazines, my delicious bookmarks - then more tabs for food, books, film, green, friends blogs, other blogs, art/museums. I love it all in one place! My only public tab is 23Things - not sure shy- I keep it all for myself I think - it's my space, K - But it keeps it all in one space.
