Monday, August 13, 2012

Thing 2 - Investigate some other blogs

I have to admit, checking out the blogs of others by country was interesting as I know some of the librarians in Australia doing this program! I did check out some of the other blogs from the UK, for instance. I discovered some people were equally as nervous about blogging, mainly in terms of what other people will think of the posts.

However, I think the more practice you get, the easier it becomes. It is amazing the range of countries and organisations that are represented in this program. I was particularly fascinated with the Music Librarian. That would be an interesting role.

I also discovered that some people had started but not finished the program in the past. I hope that people have an opportunity to dedicate some time to this as part of their learning as it is valuable and interesting. Time is always an issue and things can get pretty hectic at work or home.

I do wish everyone luck on this journey of self discovery.

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