Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Research thing 2 : Organisation and Productivity tools

I've used all the tools mentioned in Research Thing 2! Here's how:

  • Doodle - I have used this app for scheduling campus library meetings when I have acted in the role. It saves being bogged down by email and you can see at a glance the best time to hold a meeting to get the most people attending. 
  • Diigo  - I use this tool to bookmark everything I want to access again at a later date. As it is stored on the cloud, I am not in danger of losing my bookmarks on a browser if I upgrade my computer, which has happened. You can tag items ans also create lists, which is what I have done to organise my information. You can make bookmarks public or private. I absolutely love Diigo and being able to access anywhere, anytime. 
  • Evernote - Love, love, loooove Evernote. I have 2 accounts - a work one and a personal one and I have used it for meetings, to record notes at conferences and courses and to even save things from the web. There was a free feature where, when you installed the desktop version, a tab was placed in Outlook for saving emails directly to Evernote. But I think they have made that a paid feature now. Here is a workaround - when you set up an Evernote account, you also get an Evernote address to email things directly to Evernote on the go! So forward your selected email message to Evernote using the Evernote email address. Furthermore, being a librarian, I love organisation. Again, you can organise your information in Notebooks and tag notes for easy retrieval. So good. Also if you like writing your notes or need to draw something with a stylus pen, try Evernote's product PenUltimate and save your notes and drawings to places like Evernote or DropBox.
  • Wunderlist - Although I have only tested this one briefly by downloading the app on my iPad, I can see its potential use. At the moment, for my to do lists and calendar etc., for work I use Outlook, for home I use Reminders and Apple's calendar (which syncs across my MacBook, iPad and iPhone, yes I am an Apple lover), but I am investigating other options. I recently gave a session to library staff on productivity apps, and there are several others to try. I have tried  Remember the Milk , as well as paid apps like Things (which I liked for managing projects and it syncs across my iOS devices too). 

1 comment:

  1. I am a diigo and a doodle fan. I did have a Evernote account and used it for a while and then stopped...perhaps I should take another look?
    And lists- I still love my small notebook and writing them manually!
