Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Research Thing 4 - File Sharing

I had no idea about Cloudstor. I must explore this further.

I have used Dropbox to work on a book chapter with a colleague. This worked well for us. I have two DropBox accounts - a personal one and a work one, but I must try our Cloudstor. I also have a Box account and Google Drive.

I like the cloud storage solution because I had an experience where I had saved documents on Good Reader for offline use, but when I updated my device, I lost my documents on this app. Not good. So I use cloud storage to save and sync across devices.

As for security, there is a risk with everything I guess. We have so many online accounts these days, security could potentially be compromised there too. That is why it is useful to use an app like 1Password to generate stronger passwords. Nothing is foolproof, but we can take some precautions to keeping our accounts secure.


  1. Having strong passwords is a very good idea.
    CloudStor+ is new to all I think- but very very useful to know for our researchers. The ACU Research page has some information at > go the section 'data storage'

    1. I'll definitely take a look and explore CoudStor tool further. Thanks.

  2. DropBox absolutely brilliant also for travelling :)
